A different kind of SAAB farm

Media related to saabs and/or rally
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Joined: Fri Aug 29, 2008 8:39 am
Nickname: Saablym
Number of Saabs currently owned: 4

Re: A different kind of SAAB farm

Postby Saablym » Fri Aug 29, 2008 10:26 am

I need 99 parts from this guy! Can you get me his number? Or email!

Posts: 10
Joined: Sat Oct 09, 2010 3:39 pm
Number of Saabs currently owned: 2

Re: A different kind of SAAB farm

Postby Pythagorus » Sat Oct 09, 2010 7:29 pm

You may not think this relevant to say however.........when you have something and someone wants it you don't usually want to be the dummy. For example as a young man (Australian) I had heaps of vintage Buick parts. I held a sort of 'garage sale' and sold a bit ..the garage was chcoers!.....someone came to me"I'm from the Buick car club mate.....what you don't sell you can donate to the club..I said "donate??!!...what so you can then sell it to members..buggar off mate, I'd rather throw it over the tip before giving it to you to exploit..if you want it, pay for it, it's cheap enough!" This feller probably knows/knew and all this stuff has cost him and its there...who removed it all?...him!..I realise this "50%" the wreckers charge is absolutely ridiculous as the tax on goods and warranty alone are worth the 50% so the gear's worth very little and certainly not 50% unless really difficult to get. I think as one chap indicated had happened to him...buy something them bargain over other stuff when he realises you are not just there to do him over as though he's a "hill billy". Voila!

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